The biggest challenge for bloggers is to attract visitors to their blog. It’s heart breaking to see the content you spent hours or even days making with only a few views. Getting people to see your posts is not a very difficult task and you can get it done only if you are willing to do to a little handwork for it.
So here are a few thing that you can do to get more exposure for your posts and bringing a lot of traffic. Check them out:
1. Submit to Other Social Media Sites
Even though social news and voting sites are past their best potential in getting you audience to your blog but still they can prove to be useful as they still have some audience that is waiting for good content. Major social media sites like Digg and Reddit are very good options along with other niche sites. For all those people out there that have a design blog, many sites like DZone, Design Bump, Design Float and The Web Blend, among others are present to which you can submit your content.
2. Be Active on Twitter and Facebook
Twitter and Facebook are two sites that can send a lot of traffic to your blog, only if you know how to get the best out of them. First of all you need to be active on these sites and try to make a huge following. When you have passed this stage things will be quite easy for you from then on. All you have to do is to share a link to your every latest post with your followers. This will not only bring traffic to your blog but also get passed around by others — and reach even thousands of people consistently.
3. Offer Email Subscriptions in Addition to RSS
Offering subscription only through RSS is not enough. If you want to get maximum audience, you also have to offer subscription by email. Many people subscribe by email. If you are using FeedBurner to publish your feed, then offering an email subscription is very easy for you. All you have to do is to head over to “Publicize” and “Email Subscriptions” in the FeedBurner dashboard to activate it.
4. Build a Network
One of the most important thing that is directly proportional to your blog’s success is building a strong network. Being well connected in the industry should be your highest priority.
Building a network will help you get exposure to your posts as most bloggers share tweets, likes, and votes with others. So when someone publishes a new post they send you email asking for votes or tweets, once you have done that you can also ask them for similar favour. This is beneficial for both. Having a network can also get you more links to your blog, open up guest posting opportunities, and provide other possibilities for promotion and collaboration.
5. Practice Writing Compelling Headlines
Headline is the first thing anyone reads on your post, and considering that you can have a good idea of how important headlines actually are. How much your story is shared on social media websites, or gets linked by other bloggers, or gets more subscribers and visitors, depends on the headlines a lot. Compelling and attention-getting headlines get a lot of traffic to your blog.
Well not everyone is gifted with the talent of writing effective headlines, so you can always learn how to do it. Copyblogger has an excellent resource, How to Write Magnetic Headlines.
6. Use Keywords in Titles
Page titles are very important as they play a very significant role to determine search engine rankings, so using keywords in your titles can prove to be very helpful in improving the amount of exposure that your post receives. Most of the times blog post title is also the page title, but if you want extra control over your page titles then you can use WordPress plugin like All-in-One SEO.
Always try to use those keywords which people usually search for. Using tools like Google Adwords Keyword Tool can help you a lot there as it is a free resource which shows how many people search for different phrases.
7. Link to Posts Internally
One of the easiest way to get more exposure for your posts is to link them internally. This means simply linking the older posts, which do not get the exposure they deserve, with the new relevant posts. This will create a web of linked posts that direct people to each other. So this thing will send traffic to older posts and help your readers at the same time.
So always try to find something in the post that you can link to the relevant older post. But please don’t over do it and don’t fill your posts with links. But people will appreciate if you link to something relevant that provides them with more information if they choose.
8. List Related Posts at the End or Beginning of Posts
Related posts lists is something that is used by many blogger as it helps visitors to choose from more content that they might be interested in.
If you are a WordPress user than you can get many plugins that will do the task for you, but if you want you can also do it manually. Doing it manually will take some time but it gives you more control as you can choose which post to promote, rather than letting the automated process do it for you. The choice is totally yours and you can choose if you want to get it done manually or automatically.
If you are a WordPress user than you can get many plugins that will do the task for you, but if you want you can also do it manually. Doing it manually will take some time but it gives you more control as you can choose which post to promote, rather than letting the automated process do it for you. The choice is totally yours and you can choose if you want to get it done manually or automatically.
9. Exchange Links
Link exchange is something that should be done carefully. I think limited use of link exchange to create links for specific posts is better than getting hundreds of link exchange partners for your blogrolle. Many bloggers publish weekly or monthly roundups that have links to good posts. You can contact other blogger to do link exchange in this way. Contact those blogs that publish quality content. Linking to each other’s post will get you extra exposure and this will prove to be a win-win situation!
One other type of link exchange that you can do is to tweet eachother’s latest post to your followers.
10. Write for Other Blogs
Writing guest posts can be helpful in two ways: one to get your name recognition and getting famous as a writer and second is to get more links to your blog via the author bio. You can link to your blog’s front page in the bio or you can also link to your posts in the body of the guest post. But these links should only be relevant to your guest post, this will not only make your guest post a good one but also get you more traffic.
11. Keep Key Posts Updated
Some of the posts on your blog will draw more pageviews than the others. These posts should be utilized nicely. What most bloggers do not do is updating those posts after they have been published. Keeping those posts updated will increase their usefulness. When you update them, they can be shared again with other people on social networking sites. For instance, you have an year old post that get a lot of traffic regularly, consider updating it and adding more content to it. When you have done that share a link on Twitter and Facebook and mention that it has been updated. Since the topic is already very much in demand it will surely make your followers interested in it again.
12. What’s Your Experience?
What ways do you use to enhance the exposure to your blog posts? Feel free to share your thoughts and experience with us and our readers in the comments below.
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